Our political environment has become more predictable than a play, in the middle of which one could swear the poor peasant would be cursed by the others, that, in the end, he would marry the poorest, but the most revolutionary girl in the vill. This way, at the end of each week, the partners of the Alliance have to attack each other. This time, the Democratic Party has said the before-term elections have to take place in the spring of 2007. It appears that this statement is taken out from an absurd movie.
There are almost ten months until the spring of 2007. Stating things about a poll you want to happen ten months from now looks like the initiative of several crazy people.
The invoked reason (the lack of parliamentary support in the Senate) is correct. However, the Alliance has had problems in getting several important laws through the Senate. It is hard to believe that the DP leaders have had the revelation of this situation on Saturday, the 15th of July 2006. It is a known fact that the Opposition speaks about the before-term elections usually. The Power avoids talking about their necessity. Not just because they would prefer the certainties of the Power to the risks coming with a poll, but also because any statement about the before-term elections disrupt the authority of the Power.
Did the DP leaders talk just for the sake of it? No way. After a careful look at it, by starting the talk about the before-term elections is part of an older plan made at Cotroceni. The name of it would be: the Destruction of NLP (the National Liberal Party) by any means.
Traian Basescu, the guiding light of the DP members, does not want the change of Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The fact that he is high in the surveys is a result of the constant attacks against the Government. A Government led by Theodor Stolojan would be a disaster for Traian Basescu.
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