Christian MadsbjergPhoto:
Mr. Christian Madsbjerg is a partner at ReD Associates (Denmark), one of Europe's leading innovation agencies working with sophisticated user insights, product development and innovation strategy.
He leads a team of 35 smart people, whose main job is to think, to get the insights from a changing world, to transform them into patterns, and then into commercial business models fitting people’s needs. ReD’s clients are large companies around the world, like Adidas, Intel, Samsung, Greeland. own and run a company working in sophisticated innovation, in ‘creative industries’ field. What is this field about?
Christian Madsbjerg: Creative industries mean a big field, it has many, many areas, but basically it has to do with changes and capitalism. Capitalism used to be about creating products to people who didn't have anything. If you created a new product, it would fulfill an obvious need.
Now, if everybody has all the needs fulfilled, you have to come up with new ways to make your products and product offers interesting and relevant.
That leads to a different way of creating new products. It used to be engineers, new technologies were used to sell. But now there are so many products, ten times more than 20 years ago and different sharing your product is very difficult if you have the same technology.
The only way you can do now is by creating a different bit, a different feel to a product and making it relevant in a way. And that is how the creativity is working. Can you give an example?
Christian Madsbjerg: If you take the Apple ipod, it has Samsung technology inside, it is not an Apple technology, but the way it is packaged, the way it is designed and it is connected to the Internet by a really simple service, it is a new way