The Ex- Mayor of Iasi, Constantin Simirad, is the main pawn within a diabolical plan. After the elections for the European Parliament, Simirad would go to PRM and to the extreme- right party within the European Parliament. At the end of 2006, Corneliu Vadim Tudor talked to Simirad upon this subject. The existence of the extremist group within the European Parliament depends on Constantin Simirad's betrayal. The ex- ambassador of Romania to Cuba has been in charged with certain relations with KGB
Simirad himself has admitted having played for two parties. "I have acted as a real politician; I've opened the door to the rest."
Recently nominated by the leadership of PSD Iasi for the European Parliament, the Ex- Mayor of Iasi Constantin Simirad has entered a political game extremely dangerous for Romania. Thus, there is cerain information which proves that Simirad intends to become an European Congressman on PSD's lists, after which he would become a rightist of the extremist party within the European Parliament. The mentioned party, called" Identity, Tradition, Sovereignty"- ITS- was founded after January 1, 2007, after the integration of Romania and Bulgaria into the European Union, having 20 members, among them 5 being from Romania and one from Bulgaria. It should be mentioned that within the European Parliament there has been instituted a sanitary band between the democrat parties and the right-extremist group, which is in fact politically isolated.
Presently, Romania Mare Party is accredited with about 11 per cent from the Romanians' electoral intentions, which implicitly sends to the European Parliament only three politicians from PRM. Under the circumstances that there are needed minimum 19 congressmen in order to form a group within the European Parliament, from the 20 members of the current ITS party, there would remain only 18 after the