The shareholders of BACA Romus, a non-bank financial institution, a part of the Unicredit Group, have decided to expand their operations, to include consumer credits, real estate credits, funding for commercial transactions, factoring, discounting, as well as credit consultancy. BACA Romus is controlled by HVB through the Austrian institutions Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, Beteiligungsverwaltungsgesellschaft der Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, BA-CA Export Leasing, BA Eurolease Beteiligungsgesellschaft and CALG Anlagen Leasing. Prior to the merger of the Austrian group HVB with the Italians at UniCredit, HVB formerly held seven leasing companies on the local market: HVB Leasing Romania (which has recently merged with UniCredit Leasing to form the largest leasing company on the local market, UniCredit Leasing Corporation), HVB Leasing Imobiliare (HVB Leasing Real Estate), ALLIB Romania, ANI Leasing, BACA Real Estate, BACA Romus and DEBO Leasing.
The shareholders of BACA Romus, a non-bank financial institution, a part of the Unicredit Group, have decided to expand their operations, to include consumer credits, real estate credits, funding for commercial transactions, factoring, discounting, as well as credit consultancy. BACA Romus is controlled by HVB through the Austrian institutions Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, Beteiligungsverwaltungsgesellschaft der Bank Austria Creditanstalt Leasing, BA-CA Export Leasing, BA Eurolease Beteiligungsgesellschaft and CALG Anlagen Leasing. Prior to the merger of the Austrian group HVB with the Italians at UniCredit, HVB formerly held seven leasing companies on the local market: HVB Leasing Romania (which has recently merged with UniCredit Leasing to form the largest leasing company on the local market, UniCredit Leasing Corporation), HVB Leasing Imobiliare (HVB Leasing Real Estate), ALLIB Romania, ANI Lea