Elite Romania, the biggest domestic coffee producer, could invest in new market segments, with the group already having an international presence on the market of fresh foods (including dairy products and salads). "Over the last year, we have kept our position as a market leader on the market of packaged coffee in Romania, holding an around 50% market share. We see other opportunities on the market in the coming period, but we don't have concrete plans at this time," stated Erez Vigodman, CEO of Strauss-Elite. The company has not revealed its financial results for last year. However, according to data from the Ministry of Finance sales for Elite Romania were worth 65 million euros in 2005. "The positive trend of the Romanian economy is visible in all its components, and it confirms the expectations we had in 1995, when we first entered the Romanian market," said Vigodman.
Elite Romania, the biggest domestic coffee producer, could invest in new market segments, with the group already having an international presence on the market of fresh foods (including dairy products and salads). "Over the last year, we have kept our position as a market leader on the market of packaged coffee in Romania, holding an around 50% market share. We see other opportunities on the market in the coming period, but we don't have concrete plans at this time," stated Erez Vigodman, CEO of Strauss-Elite. The company has not revealed its financial results for last year. However, according to data from the Ministry of Finance sales for Elite Romania were worth 65 million euros in 2005. "The positive trend of the Romanian economy is visible in all its components, and it confirms the expectations we had in 1995, when we first entered the Romanian market," said Vigodman.