RAAL Bistrita, a producer of equipment for the automotive, agriculture and constructions industries, intends to consolidate its position abroad, by taking out credits worth 60 million RON (18 million euros) and 25 million euros, in order to sustain its budget for this year. The company intends to consolidate its position on the German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, and US markets and to form partnerships with other companies - be they Romanian or foreign, and to set up joint ventures with companies with similar activities. RAAL also wants to buy imported fixed assets worth a total of ten million euros, and a whole range of fixed assets from the domestic market, depending on the volume of orders. RAAL has budgeted a net profit worth 6.8 million RON for 2007, and a net profit worth 6.8 million RON, 88% higher than the 3.6 million RON seen last year and total revenues of 166 million RON. The company will also allocate last year's profit for the payment of dividends to shareholders, i.e. to the Employees Association - 1.4 million RON and to SIF Banat Crisana - 105,487 RON.
RAAL Bistrita, a producer of equipment for the automotive, agriculture and constructions industries, intends to consolidate its position abroad, by taking out credits worth 60 million RON (18 million euros) and 25 million euros, in order to sustain its budget for this year. The company intends to consolidate its position on the German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, and US markets and to form partnerships with other companies - be they Romanian or foreign, and to set up joint ventures with companies with similar activities. RAAL also wants to buy imported fixed assets worth a total of ten million euros, and a whole range of fixed assets from the domestic market, depending on the volume of orders. RAAL has budgeted a net profit worth 6.8 million RON for 2007, and a net profit worth 6.8 mill