The ordinance regulating the attributions of CNSAS - the body enabled to research the archives of the Communist political police, Securitate - suffered significant changes compared to its shape on Tuesday night. Under the pressure of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), CNSAS will once again be enabled to verify the past of all people in seat in dignitary positions. State officials will be verified by the Investigation Department in CNSAS, whose verdicts may be challenged in Court. Citizens allowed to see their own Securitate surveillance files can no longer demand the unveiling of Securitate informers who signed the notes on them.
The article on the verification of candidates in elections was not revived. Obligatory verifications will take place for the Romania president, deputies, senators, members of the Government, ministry department managers, ministry secretaries, state secretaries, the Government secretary general, Parliament secretary general deputies, presidential counselors, county governors and their deputies and department managers, mayors, vice mayors, county counselors, local counselors, heads of local services, presidents and deputies in the Intelligence Service, Foreign Intelligence Service, Protocol and Security Service, Special Telecomm Service, Interior Ministry Information Service.
The CNSAS findings will stand as "communiqué", instead of "decision". CNSAS will be enabled to release information regarding Securitate officers. The ordinance regulating the attributions of CNSAS - the body enabled to research the archives of the Communist political police, Securitate - suffered significant changes compared to its shape on Tuesday night. Under the pressure of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), CNSAS will once again be enabled to verify the past of all people in seat in dignitary positions. State officials will be verified