The first time in quite a while, political parties in Romania overcome rivalries and sound one voice in denying the Kosovo declaration of independence, one newspaper reads on Tuesday. But some newspapers argue that Kosovo precedent will not pose any threats to Romania.
Romania Libera reads that Romanians' fear of a Kosovo precedent for their own country with a large ethnic Hungarian community is not justified. Several foreign affairs experts argue that minorities are fully integrated in Romania and point out that the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) have been part of the governing alliance for ten years now.
Professor Cornel Codita says that any attempt to copy the model will be firmly blocked first of all by the international community and then by the internal political forces.
Pro Europa President Smaranda Enache argues that unlike Kosovo, ethnic Hungarians in Romania do not have any independent historic tradition, nor relevant attempts to use violence. Professor Levente Salat, at his turn, says that ethnic Hungarians have no favorable international context, nor a high level of political culture among their own ranks.
Most foreign affairs specialists say that Kosovo cannot pose any threat for Romania. Moreover, experts argue that Romania will not gain much nor lose if it refuses to accept the independence of Kosovo. However, in time, an opportunity cost calculus will have to be made as at some point, Romania will have to reconsider its stand.
Cotidianul reads that thousands of Serb people have protested on the streets, clashing with police forces. Some 5,000 people gathered in Belgrade to protest against Kosovo and demand Russian support.
The newspaper reads that Romania's Parliament endorsed the Government decision to refuse to accept the independence of Kosovo through a declaration adopted last nigh