Mi-a placut un articol din Guardian pentru simplul fapt ca rareori veyi un scriitor mare vorbind atit de relaxat despre chestiuni intime. ma rog, se poate ca Rushdie sa fi fost ireversibil virusat de vedetismul mediatic. dar iata o selectie de declaratii care-l fac delicios:
According to Rushdie, the irony is that not only did she not inspire the book, she was very nearly the cause of its demise. ‘To put it bluntly,’ he says, ‘I had to write it in spite of her. Because what happened to me last year when I was writing this book was a colossal calamity.’ By this he means the end of his marriage. In January of 2007, Lakshmi asked for a divorce.
‘It was like a nuclear bomb dropped in your living room when you’re trying to work,’ he says. ‘I really feared for a time at the beginning of last year that I’d lost the book. I was in such a state of turmoil that I couldn’t work. I’ve always prided myself on my discipline as a writer. I do it like a job. I get up in the morning and go to my desk. And I got scared because I thought, if I lose this, I’ve lost everything. Genuinely, I think it was the biggest act of will that I’ve ever been asked to make, including after the fatwa, just to pull my head back together.’ – spune el, referindu-se si la felul in care a fost scrisa noua carte, dar si la zbuciumul produs de hotarirea iubitei sale de a divorta, in ianuarie 2007.
Cartea The Enchantress of Florence este scrisa cumva in pofida propriului esec sentimental, dar e important sa vezi atita omenesc intr-o declaratie de scriitor-vedeta. As vrea sa vad atita naturalete si pe aici. Abia astept sa citesc romanul, desi nu sint un fan neconditionat Rushdie.
Mi-a placut un articol din Guardian pentru simplul fapt ca rareori veyi un scriitor mare vorbind atit de relaxat despre chestiuni intime. ma rog, se poate ca Rushdie sa fi fost ireversibil virusat de vedetismu