The "Megatron" short film, directed by 31-year old Marian Crisan, won the Palme d'Or award for short films on Sunday. "I didn't hope to win, but I am overwhelmingly glad that I did", said Marian Crisan for the reporter.
Megatron is the third award for a Romanian short film, after "Scurta istorie" (A Brief History) by Ion Popescu Gopo and "Trafic" by Catalin Mitulescu.
The 15-minute film is about a boy from a village near Bucharest who gets to celebrate his birthday in a McDonald's restaurant. Arriving in Bucharest, he tries to find his father instead.
Crisan is currently working at a new film, "The Last Day", inspired by the life of a local hip-hop star. The "Megatron" short film, directed by 31-year old Marian Crisan, won the Palme d'Or award for short films on Sunday. "I didn't hope to win, but I am overwhelmingly glad that I did", said Marian Crisan for the reporter.
Megatron is the third award for a Romanian short film, after "Scurta istorie" (A Brief History) by Ion Popescu Gopo and "Trafic" by Catalin Mitulescu.
The 15-minute film is about a boy from a village near Bucharest who gets to celebrate his birthday in a McDonald's restaurant. Arriving in Bucharest, he tries to find his father instead.
Crisan is currently working at a new film, "The Last Day", inspired by the life of a local hip-hop star.