Massive discontent is expressed worldwide because of the rising fuel price, caused by the oil price rise - a record price of 135$ per barrel was reached last week. Demonstrations and strikes burst, AFP informs, quoted by NewsIn.
The fishermen, who got incentives from French the government in order to deal with the increasingly expensive fuel, demand the same thing from the Spanish and the Portuguese government, threatening to cease all fishing in June, in case their claim is not met by a reasonable offer.
Also in Europe, Bulgarian truck drivers threatened to go on strike. The price for diesel in higher in Bulgaria (1.3 euro), compared to other countries, although it remains lower than in Italy, Germany, Belgium or Holland.
In Russia, protests of the consumers took place in 47 cities and in Moscow. In the United States, for the first time since the oil crisis in the '70's, the data shows that the drivers travelled less than the year before.
In Asia, several governments cut from subsidies, allowing the fuel price to be tempered. Still, Indonesian authorities say that the oil price may grow 28.7% soon. Also in India, a price growth is unavoidable, local government officials said. Massive discontent is expressed worldwide because of the rising fuel price, caused by the oil price rise - a record price of 135$ per barrel was reached last week. Demonstrations and strikes burst, AFP informs, quoted by NewsIn.
The fishermen, who got incentives from French the government in order to deal with the increasingly expensive fuel, demand the same thing from the Spanish and the Portuguese government, threatening to cease all fishing in June, in case their claim is not met by a reasonable offer.
Also in Europe, Bulgarian truck drivers threatened to go on strike. The price for diesel in higher in Bulgaria (1.3 euro),