As in the previous years, the debate about the status of Justice focuses almost exclusively on the fight against corruption and especially the fight against high-level corruption.
As in the previous years, the debate about the status of Justice focuses almost exclusively on the fight against corruption and especially the fight against high-level corruption.
The phenomenon has more causes:
a) Registering only the monitoring report as a reference point. The report focuses only on the fight against corruption.
b) The obvious political partisanship of those who argue the debate. Employing them as presidential alphornist imposes debating a theme from which Traian Băsescu gets his electoral capital.
c) The sensationalist character of the investigations regarding the great names of the Romanian politics.
Whatever the cause, such a limitation of the debate is catastrophic for the Justice reform.
The juridical size of a legal fight against corruption is just one of the aspects of the Justice reform. And yet a minor one. The surveys, as well as the realities reveal that the negative notes on the state of Justice are far more comprehensive and more profound. The debate on the status of Justice must talk about these notes essentially because, ultimately, it will require the taking of necessary measures. Therefore, we should see and analyze the causes of weaknesses such as:
a) the huge number of pending lawsuits existing at present in Romania.
Because of this huge number, our judges are among the judges with the greatest amount of work in the European Union: 70 files per judge.
Faced with a huge number of files, the judges don’t even have the time or energy needed to study the files and th