Although not officially entered in the list of techniques for political communication, together with the direct letter, billboards, spots, leaflets, T-shirts, balloons or events with bands and sausages, the crowd dive is as old as the world.
Although not officially entered in the list of techniques for political communication, together with the direct letter, billboards, spots, leaflets, T-shirts, balloons or events with bands and sausages, the crowd dive is as old as the world. Sometimes it was practiced prudently with a lot care from the special protection services. The big parades of the ancient or modern world, when the leaders take part actively in the event or attend it, such crowd dives take place.
Sometimes, the politician descends directly and courageously in the middle of the crowd and the guards have to use their elbows to keep the people away. This type of "dive" is specific for the modern and democratic world, the ancient or feudal leader did not want to show that there is no difference between him and the average person. On the contrary.
By definition, the crowd dive has to be made in a crowd. This crowd can gather in any city or even outside it, in the glades, on the roads, wherever appropriate. The crowd is greater or smaller and can gather due to almost any reason: local celebration, religious event, electoral meetings, artistic or sportive events or simply to meet the respective politician that appears on TV. There is one type of crowd that does not meet the needs of our leader who loves the crowd dives: the crowd gathered in order to punch him or at least to remonstrate with him.
The actions taking place at such events are always the same. The politician goes through the crowd gathered around him, shakes hands, gives short answers to certain questions, caresses the little children, kisses