If in late September the fast moving consumer goods producer Procter & Gamble announced a nearly 100 million dollars in the plant in Urlati, the company considers at this point that investment size depends on authorities disposition in sealing partnerships and finding solutions to allow the company achieve the objective, said Ramona Brad, external relations group leader at P&G.
“Initial plans consisted in our attainability of investment to mount to 100 million dollars, as this effort will be backed by Romanian state – this way we can achieve our objectives much sooner,” added Ramona Brad, stressing that value of initial investment may be even lower if talks with Romanian authorities will fail.
She also explained the P&G’s decision to open the first Greenfield in Romania was influenced by the region’s development potential and company’s expectations to be endorsed by the state into investment and region development.
“P&G decided to invest in Romania in a time when most of the companies chose to close upstream units in here or to downsize workforce or cut production costs. This is why the risk that we take upon ourselves needs to be compensated by an effort from Romanian state,” continued Ramona Brad.
P&G: Romanian authorities have wide range of “instruments” to bolster investment
Furthermore, P&G considers that Romanian authorities, namely Ministry of Economy and Finances or Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments have many financial strings than can be used in purpose of bolstering investments. For the aforementioned investments blueprints consists in state aid, up to 50% contribution of the direct investment value in capital, in case the project is emplaced in an underprivileged area.
“Romania benefits of legislative framework according to European legislation and communitarian acquis designed to back up foreign investments and