The poor economic conditions lead companies to redirect their management policies, to downsize expenses, and finally, to cut jobs. But what will happen to laid-off workers?
According to Psihoselect – a human resources counseling company- outplacement may be a viable solution. Outplacement is defined as a process of placing employees in other positions once they have been separated from a job, the workers examining all possibilities of finding a job in the same field or other or even entrepreneurship.
If for executive employees outplacement consists in an expertise of skills and leading capabilities, for employees in production, the most frequent programs are those of accessing databases with jobs, identification and development of personal skills.
“After career counseling session, employees who leave the company know the skills and knowledge they possess, and also the need of development, given the chosen field. They also get up to date information on the workforce market and they are oriented towards fields that can value their work experience or each person’s potential, in order to adjust to an easier work environment”, said Claudia Indreica, Managing Partner at Psihoselect.
Outplacement involves assessment of knowledge, skills interests of employees, their orientation towards building a career, and development of skills and potential they possess.
At this moment, certain companies turn to layoff in an effort to cope with the crisis. 4,000 workers will be laid off in Cluj County, by yearend. 3,000 jobless workers were announced in Brasov, in Sibiu – 700, in Timis – 200, in Oradea – 1,000 by yearend.
“The companies have to direct efforts to efficiency increase, and the first measure to cut costs due to the slowdown of demand in the market, is to cut jobs”, said Monica Ion, Managing Partner at Psihoselect.
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