summarizes the most important results of the Parliamentary elections in November 30, 2008, outlining some of the unintended consequences such as the extremes of the mandate redistribution system or who are the celebrities winning a seat in the Parliament this year.
Number of mandates obtained by parties: Chamber of Deputies PD-L-115 , PSD-PC - 114, PN - 65, UDMR-22; Senate: PD-L-51, PSD-PC-49, PNL-28, UDMR-9. Total number of Parliamentarians for each party (Senate and Chamber of Deputies): PD-L-166, PSD-163, PNL-93, UDMR-31Elections results, cast votes and percentages. Chamber of Deputies: PSD+PC 2.279.449 (33,09%), PDL 2.228.860 (32,36), PNL 1.279.063 (18,57%) and UDMR 425.008 (6,17%). Senate: PSD+PC2.325.968 (34,16%) , PDL 2.312.358 (33,57%) , PNL 1.291.029 (18,74%), and UDMR 440.449 (6,39%)90 candidates will enter the Parliament after winning 50%+1 of the votes.18 Parliamentarians will represent the 18 national minorities present in Romania.The total number of cast votes: Chamber of Deputies: 6858439; Senate: 6877987.National turnout: 39.26%; in rural areas: 44.24%, in urban areas: 35.63%. Greatest turnout per county: Teleorman with 52.68%, lowest turnout: Timis with 31.57% Number of candidates at the Parliamentary elections: 2,965 candidates: 2,070 for the Chamber of Deputies and 895 for the Senate Number of unused votes within the redistribution process: Chamber of Deputies: 1.390.104, Senate: 3.329.815Some 18,104 constituencies were set up for these elections, of which 221 were organized abroadSome 50,000 police representatives were dispatched Some 90,000 stamps were made, 42.8 million vote bulletins of which 1.2 million sent abroad. 315 uninominal colleges were delineated for Deputies and 137 colleges for SenatorsNumber of votes cast abroad: Chamber of Deputies: 20527, Senate 20722
Interesting events:
Losers of the elect