25 Romanian companies that had commercial relations with Iraq in the '80's and never had the services paid for will receive funds from the Romanians state. The money will be paid between 2009 and 2028, twice per year. Benefiters include Dacia, BCR (Esrte-owned Romanian Commercial Bank) and Rompetrol.
Romania signed and agreement with Iraq for recovering at least 977 million dollars, out of the 2.5 billion dollars debt.
The most important sums will go to Romtehnica (67.5 million dollars), Uzinexport (20.9 MN), Arcif (5.6 MN), Automobile Dacia (3.4 MN), BCR (3.1 MN), Rompetrol (2.8 MN) Metalexport (1.1 MN), Electra Trading (1.1 MN). 25 Romanian companies that had commercial relations with Iraq in the '80's and never had the services paid for will receive funds from the Romanians state. The money will be paid between 2009 and 2028, twice per year. Benefiters include Dacia, BCR (Esrte-owned Romanian Commercial Bank) and Rompetrol.
Romania signed and agreement with Iraq for recovering at least 977 million dollars, out of the 2.5 billion dollars debt.
The most important sums will go to Romtehnica (67.5 million dollars), Uzinexport (20.9 MN), Arcif (5.6 MN), Automobile Dacia (3.4 MN), BCR (3.1 MN), Rompetrol (2.8 MN) Metalexport (1.1 MN), Electra Trading (1.1 MN).