Former PM Nastase accuses his party colleagues of not helping him keep the parliamentarian immunity and warns them that him being sent to court is just a sign of what will happen to others as well. Elsewhere in the news, the case of the two Romanians accused of raping a 14-year old girl in Italy doesn't seem to have any valid evidence. Back in Romania, the State is about to impose new taxes, while Romania's richest businessmen are buried in debt.
"No one defended me. No one stood up to say that these case files are political", said Adrian Nastase during the Social Democrats' Permanent Bureau session on Monday. The former Prime Minister, accused of corruption in two cases, says that losing his parliamentarian immunity and being sent to Court is a signal that this may happen as well to other politicians. "It's just the beginning. Others will follow", he said, according to Evenimentul Zilei.
In Italy, the DNA evidence collected in the case of the rape of a 14-year old girl don't belong to the two Romanian suspects arrested by the Police. Even more, their phones were detected in other areas of Rome at the time the crime took place. One of the suspects kept claiming he was innocent ever since he was arrested, while the other now says that he signed a confession because he was forced by the Italian and the Romanian Police. He also accuses Police brutality and psychological pressure, Gandul reads. Despite of the evidence pointing at the fact that they were not in the area of the crime, at the moment it took place, and of the fact that there is not a DNA match between their samples and the ones collected by forensic experts, the judge handling the case decided the should remain into the Police custody.
"Romania's richest, chased by debt recovery agents", is the main headline in Cotidianul. The Finance Ministry published the list of th