Tomorrow it is one month since Marian Cozma died » The newspaper investigated the case all-time, with many visits in Veszprem » Altogether, after they discussed with scores of witnesses and authorized persons, the readers still have in mind the image of the crime which unsettled the people from Romania and Hungary » In that night, in the bar, Marian was insulted by Helga Toth, the friend of two brothers who make the law in the area » The Romanian hit her » Tamas Beery, the boss-brother, called on the phone the gang of 25 gypsies » They came to provoke and browbeat Marian and they got things out of control and killed him with knife stabs, one being in the heart » They have been denounced to the police by the one who led them!
One month after Marian Cozma’s death, GSP investigated at Veszprem the turbid circumstances of the handball player murder. The variant of an aggression transformed in an ordered crime was confirmed by many sources
Tomorrow it is 30 days since Marian Cozma was killed with red blood in a night club from Veszprem.
For the first time, authorized testimonies of some old friends of the handball player, but also testimonies of the members from different castes from Veszprem speak about a premeditated aggression, which transformed in murder.
The waitress beaten by the gypsies, a myth
"If Marian died because he stood up for a waitress, as it was said before, I would have been proud of him", said Petre Cozma in Evenimentul zilei.
The waitress from Patriota Lokal is in everyone’s testimonies, but nobody could find her. Some people say that the waitress had been bumped against the table by Stojka and his friends.
ACTION NO. 1 A waitress with the cheek bone broken would have arrived sooner or later to the hospital, and the doctors from the Municipal Hospital from Veszprem are convinced: "No way!".
The employe