Business newswire, edited by InternetCorp., remained the number one online destination in March, marking a 83.6% growth from prior-year period. Wall-Street is thus defending its leading position for the seventh successive month, according to statistics provided by Web Traffic and Audience Study (SATI).
Wall-Street attracted in February 750,792 unique visitors, 143,133 more than in January, 1,412,747 visits and 3,260,439 views. Furthermore, the website edited by InternetCorp. totaled a unique audience 8.5% higher than Ziarul Financiar publication edited by Publimedia International (692,322 unique visitors).
“The new editorial projects we’ve launched recently together with the Wall-Street editors’ straight-forward approach to news can be attributed to fostering the growth of our publication in 2009. Apart from theEnglish section addressed to expats and weekly supplements, we have featured in LIVE-TEXT – WS debates, an interactive section where top managers, analysts and entrepreneurs answer the readers’ questions online”, said Claudiu Vrinceanu editor-in-chief
The business publication, he commented will keep focus on financial news coverage and analyses, as well as on “successful business stories of top managers from across the world”.
“From the constant and ample feedback we have received from our readers, we concluded they are highly confident in the electronic media, showing interest on the impact of an economic event. To us, Wall-Street team, the advices of our readers take precedence, and any development plan of the publication is drawn according to the opinion of the users who make up the biggest business community in Romania”, Vrinceanu added.
The ranking is completed by publication newswire that totaled 692,322 unique visitors, 2,113,029 visits and 6,275,732 views. took the