Mobility will lead the former sub-prefect to Suceava county. Although the appointment as governmental inspector is a regression, a lot of prefects and sub-prefects have agreed to this position.
In less than one year, our county gave forth three governmental inspectors, Adrian Nicolaescu, Dănuţ Culeţu and Cosmin Andrei, all of them superior public clerks having worked with the Institution of the Prefect of Constanţa County.
The first one transferred according to the principle of mobility was the ex-sub-prefect Adrian Nicolaescu. It has been almost a year since he has been governmental inspector. Nicolaescu is working with Govern General Secretariat for technical and juridical matters. "According to the attributions assigned by ordinance of former prime minister Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, I am involved in the process of drawing up normative documents within Govern General Secretariat", Adrian Nicolaescu told us. Although the new position is actually a "degradation", the former sub-prefect of Constanţa County accustomed to the new circurmstances: he goes weekly from Constanţa to Bucharest. When away from Constanţa, he does not have to worry about accommodation and the work is remunerated the same way as the work of superior public clerks - prefect, sub-prefect, state secretary. "It's a progress, for sure. What I do here is closer to what I studied", said the governmental inspector Adrian Nicolaescu
Activated after 2 months
More or less seriously, the former prefect of Constanţa county, Dănuţ Culeţu seems to have been forgotten by the prime minister. Although the decision of his appointment as governmental inspector position was issued two months ago, he has not been assigned his responsibilities. "I am sure that soon I will be assigned my attributions. I expect to find out what I will do and when my activity will take place", Dănuţ Culeţu me