The election year 2008 brought to PSD about 2 million lei from donations
Every election year, according to political affinities or "indebtedness" of some natural or juristic persons to some political leaders, the budgets of the parties are fed by more or less consistent donations.
Not long ago we submitted to your attention the list of PD-L [Democrat Liberal Party] and PSD sponsors from the Black Sea coast. A more thorough check of the list including the juristic persons which in year 2008 donated to PSD sums of money more than 10 national minimum gross salaries, revealed the fact that there were 26 contributing companies from Constanţa. In this way, PSD moneybox was fed with 823,237 lei. We should not miss out the fact that, besides this official figure, PSD budget was enriched by other donations which did not exceed 10 national minimum gross salaries, and all these donations cumulated make up a pretty consistent sum which will never be known.
The most charitable company was Holding Hondor Stil Ltd (197,937 lei), followed by General Concrete Ltd Cernavodă (150,000 lei), Imobis Ltd from Cluj (50,000 lei) and Double Bridgexim Ltd (38,000 lei). The list of the companies which fed the PSD budget goes on as following: Romadria Ltd (12,500 lei), Auto Promec Ltd (11,300 lei), Elmex Ltd (12,800 lei), Riadenil Ltd (8,000 lei), Caviem Line from Galaţi (10,000 lei), Termostar 2000 Ltd (7,700 lei), BDG Import Ltd from Bucharest (36,000 lei), Plus Media Com Ltd (10,000 lei), Oil Depol Service Ltd (20,000 lei), Socum Trans Ltd (20,000 lei), Convita Plast (15,000 lei), Grădinariu Import Export (10,000 lei), Eucass Ltd (15,000 lei), Marcus Uranus Ltd (25,000 lei), Sport Turism Ltd from 23 August (25,000 lei), Com Util Ltd (20,000 lei), Comp. Artistică Mix Muzic Ltd, from Bucharest (36,000 lei), Consal Trade Ltd (10,000 lei), Progetto 2000 Rom Ltd, f