The Minister of the Economy, Adriean Videanu, made an official visit to Cernavodă Nuclear Power Station.
On this occasion, he stated that the foregoing development period for reactors no. 3 and 4 may be shortened, as the initial time was set to 18 months. "Together with our investors, we have been looking for solutions so that this investment should start earlier. It will take at the most 18 months. EnergoNuclear is already working. We just have to set the total cost of the investment", the minister Videanu declared. EnergoNuclear, the company which will carry out the project of producing the 3rd and the 4th reactor, has a subscribed capital of about 5 million Euros, while Nuclearelectrica, the major shareholder of EnergoNuclear, has to allocate this year another 60 million lei for the project including the 2 reactors, according to the Minister of Economy. About the financial resources needed by the state to contribute to energy production development of the station, Adriean Videanu declared that the Government will find the needed resources.
"The government will not give up this project, no matter if there is nothing left in the development fund", the manager stated. When asked why there were no money left, Videanu replied that he was not in the position of explaining what the former government did and that the former leading team were even under the suspicion of embezzlement. The democrat-liberal explained that the diminishing of the state project development was never an option, but he also said that state share in this was not so important. "We are open to any solution (...). Performance is the most important", Videanu emphasised.
Nuclearelectrica owns six partners for this project: ArcelorMittal, CEZ, GdF-Suez, Enel, Iberdrola and RWE Power.
The estimated cost of the two reactors is four billion Euros and each unit will be 720 MW instal