While some of them stated that they will not proceed to the political enrolment, regardless of the support received, others, as a token of their gratitude, decided to enrol. Anyway, they are doing the policy of the appropriate party.
After so many years of "original" democracy, there is no surprise to anyone that once in four years, the heads of the public institutions are changed, according to the political colour grasping the power.
Rarely, some managers are able to go on with their activity, but only if they are sustained by the governing parties.
In our county, the campaign of political nominations is developing. Even if the governing is made by PSD - PD-L coalition, the chiefs of some institutions have kept their positions, although they are not members of any of these parties.
As a follow to the local negotiations, the General Directorate of Public Finances was distributed to PDS; nevertheless, the manager Bogdan Huţucă is supported by social-democrats and he will carry on with his activity.
He has been a PNL [National Libera Party] member since 1992 and from what he said, he was not forced to become a PSD member. "I was not asked to join PSD; even if they tried to get me into this, I would not change", said Bogdan Huţucă.
The status of military personnel does not allow the chief of the Inspectorate for Urgency Situations, Viorel Costache, to be a member in any party. If asked what party would join if the status allowed, his answer was crystal clear: "I am the partisan of the Party of the Mother-in-Law, as this is the only one ensuring the serenity of my family".
"I don't understand party meetings"
Another liberal who was held by Constanţa PSD is the manager of the County House of Health Insurance, Liviu Mocanu. It's true that Mocanu is not so passionate about politics and he admitted that he stopped being an acti