If last year Constanţa Municipality spent 740 million old lei on the retired men coffees, this year the city hall is spending 7.2 billion lei - ten times more.
Constanţa municipality "reheated" ttthe contract to the company that used to be Ovidiu Chircă's indispensable member of Mazăre - Constantinescu team.
To put it other way, the coffees and the tea served in the turrets for retired people will be this year distributed by the same provider from the last year, but not for free, but against a lot of money.
As anticipated in our article from December 2008, the service of installing the machines for hot drinks was given to Prodigy Corporation company. An advertising on Electronic Systems of Public Acquisitions announced, on 24 decembrie 2008, that Constanţa municipality was searching a provider of coffee and tea for the year 2009.
Consequently, as a follow to this open action, on 20 February 2009, the contract was attributed to Prodigy Corporation company. According to the assignation announce form 19th of March 2009, only one bid was submitted.
The crisis does not "cut off" coffees
The estimated value the municipality was willing to offer for the coffees of the pensioners was 666,900 lei no VAT included, for the whole year, that is about eight billion old lei (VAT included). What is shocking is that, while in 2008, Constanţa municipality spent around 700 million lei for coffee for seniors, in 2009, Radu Mazăre's city is paying ten times more. From the contract with the municipality, the company earned, this year, 613,200 lei no VAT, that is more than 7.2 billion old lei.
Chircă apostatised his past as a coffee adicted
It is to notice that Ovidiu Chircă, Constanţa PSD member and employee with Constanţa County Council, dropped back from this business which had him as unique sharesolder.
At the beginnin