Europeans are worried about the effects of the, the latest Eurobarometer poll indicates. The concern, reaching levels between 80 and 90% in all states, affects the economy on all levels, both today and in the future. On a personal level, 58% of the Europeans are pessimistic about the current situation and 56% are worried about the future.
In brief, the most important findings of the poll, according to the Eurobarometer summary:
- This anxiety, which is felt very strongly in all countries (between 80 and 90%) affects all levels of the economy: global, European and national. This relates as much to the present situation as to the future. This anxiety is not as predominant at the personal level (58% today, 56% tomorrow).
- Europeans are in favour of coordinated action to fight the crisis: Their diagnosis is clear: 44% of them believe that Member States reacted in an individual manner, while 39% believe they acted in a coordinated manner.
On the other hand, 61% believe that Europeans would be better protected if the Member States adopted a coordinated approach. This kind of approach is urgently called for by the EP who has taken a stand to this effect on numerous occasions.
- What actions should be taken at EU level?
The European Parliament has repeatedly declared itself in favour of different measures at Union level. These are largely supported by Europeans in the percentage points which vary from 66 to 71%: coordination of economic and financial politics; supervision by the EU in cases where public money is used to rescue financial institutions; surveillance of the activities of the most important international financial groups; the role of the EU at international level in regulating financial services.
- The euro: a protector?
This question on the role of the euro in mitigating the negative effects