The saying "So often the pitcher goes to the water until it breaks" proved to be so true for Constanţa County PSD [Social Democrat Party]. For Euro-parliamentary elections, the subsidiary didn't manage to intrude one of theirs on an eligible place, and this has triggered a chain of reactions.
The actions of the social-democrats on the Black Sea coast, for the local elections and the last year parliamentary elections, brought to Mazăre - Constantinescu team a lot of important positions for their people. Minister of the Environment, general secretary in the same ministry or state secretary with the Transports were some of the trophies of Constanţa PSD. It's just that they also wanted to own a Euro-parliament member for this year, in the person of former deputy Lucian Băluţ. Constanţa PSD demanded for him position no 8 or 10 on the list. Unfortunately, no 8 was attributed to the PC [Conservative Party] representative, while the tenth position was occupied by a member of Bucharest organisation.
The fact that the wish of Mazăre - Constantinescu team was not the command for PSD central leaders, who "dared" to put their option on the 17th place on the list of PSD+PC Alliance for Euro-parliamentary elections, caused a lot of grieve to these two local leaders.
The executive secretary of Constanţa County PSD organisation, Cristinel Dragomir, acknowledged that on 7th of Aprilie, a letters signed by the prime vice-president of Constanţa subsidiary, Nicuşor Constantinescu, arrived on the desk of the president of the party, Mircea Geoană. "Being unsatisfied by the decision taken by the central management, the County Permanent Office decided to withdraw Mr Băluţ, as position no 17 is not an eligible one", Dragomir added. The local social-democrat leaders considered the assignment of a non-eligible position as a disregard of the whole Constanţa