Romania's touristic anthem, composed by Marius Moga, will be launched this evening at 23.00 hrs. The Minister of the Tourism, Elena Udrea, has announced though, that this ode to Romanian tourism will be available for a short period of time only.
"Such promotion campaigns are not long-lasting. All the countries have changed their touristic brand this year, as trends have changed. So, the touristic anthem and slogan will be available only for a certain period", set out the Minister of the Tourism, Elena Udrea.
We would like this song to be sung by tourists, to mean something to them, and the lyrics to mirror their moods", the Minister of the Tourism added.
Source: Romania's touristic anthem, composed by Marius Moga, will be launched this evening at 23.00 hrs. The Minister of the Tourism, Elena Udrea, has announced though, that this ode to Romanian tourism will be available for a short period of time only.
"Such promotion campaigns are not long-lasting. All the countries have changed their touristic brand this year, as trends have changed. So, the touristic anthem and slogan will be available only for a certain period", set out the Minister of the Tourism, Elena Udrea.
We would like this song to be sung by tourists, to mean something to them, and the lyrics to mirror their moods", the Minister of the Tourism added.