The claiming epistle sent by Constanţa PSD [Social Democratic Party] to the president Mircea Geoană is "a tool for pressure" with no local or national effects whatsoever
Constanţa PSD organisation are not the only one threatening they will not take into account the Protocol of PSD - PD-L coalition. The first who used this were the social-democrats from Bistriţa, and the reason was the same as that one invoked by the couple Mazăre - Constantinescu: not enough funds allocated from the centre and the manner of sharing decentralised institutions.
On a central level, the PSD management were informed about a lot of "tricks" used by some PD-L ministers when appointing the managing positions of regional directorates. It's just that, in Constanţa local organisation, things are not as described by Radu Mazăre in the letter sent to the PSD president, Mircea Geoană. In this "epistle", Mazăre is imperatively demanding the appointment of Ion Florentin as manager of the South-Eastern Territorial Inspectorate for Constructions, and he was appointed and after the evaluation came back to the management of the institution. The chief of the General Direction of Public Finance, Bogdan Huţucă, nominated by PSD, was the winner appointed by the evaluating commission and will go on leading this institution. Bogdan Vâlsan, from Constanţa County Direction for Excise and Customs Operations, finds himself in a similar situation.
Other lingering appointments for people backed up by Constanţa PSD should come for Marian Dima - for ARR [Romanian Transport Authority], Daniela Caruţiu Turcanu - for County Direction for Culture, Cults and National Cultural Patrimony. The ministers who Mazăre is pointing the finger at are Radu Berceanu, Vasile Blaga, Gheorghe Pogea and Alexandru Paleologu.
Sealed negotiations
In the protocol singed by Radu Mazăre and the president of