Romanian National Meteorological Administration (ANM) has issued a warning for the period of June 2, 3 PM to June 3, 9 A.M. According to ANM, there will be significant rain in Banat, Oltenia, Muntenia, Transilvania and Moldova during this time.
ANM announced that the hill side and the mountain side in particular will be most affected, the water quantities going over 20-25 litters/mp locally and over 40-50 l/mp in isolated locations.
The rain will be accompanied by lightning and thunders, strong winds and it will be hailing in some regions.
The bad weather will affect: Botosani, Suceava, Neamt, Bistrita-Nasaud, Bacau, Harghita, Covasna, Vrancea, Prahova, Brasov, Dambovita, Arges, Sibiu, Valcea, Alba, Hunedoara, Caras-Severin. Romanian National Meteorological Administration (ANM) has issued a warning for the period of June 2, 3 PM to June 3, 9 A.M. According to ANM, there will be significant rain in Banat, Oltenia, Muntenia, Transilvania and Moldova during this time.
ANM announced that the hill side and the mountain side in particular will be most affected, the water quantities going over 20-25 litters/mp locally and over 40-50 l/mp in isolated locations.
The rain will be accompanied by lightning and thunders, strong winds and it will be hailing in some regions.
The bad weather will affect: Botosani, Suceava, Neamt, Bistrita-Nasaud, Bacau, Harghita, Covasna, Vrancea, Prahova, Brasov, Dambovita, Arges, Sibiu, Valcea, Alba, Hunedoara, Caras-Severin.