Hydrologists issued a yellow code warning for eight counties from the North, Central and Western regions from Romania. The warning refers to the condition of several rivers between Tuesday 5 PM and Wednesday 4 PM.
In these areas, there can be significant water trickling on the slopes. Torrents, streams and rivers could come out, resulting in local floods.
YELLOW CODE signifies freshet risks or uncontrolled rapid growth of the water level. It does not lead to dramatic damages, but demands an increased vigilance.
The affected regions:
Somes head stream and effluents (Bistrita Nasaud)
Crisul Alb head stream and effluents (Hunedoara and Arad)
Aries head stream and effluents and Mures mid-stream (Alba)
Bega (Timis)
Timis, Caras, Nera, Cerna (Caras and Timis)
Motru (Gorj)
Jiu head stream (Hunedoara and Gorj)
Gilort (Gorj)
Lotru and affluents, Oltului inferior stream (Valcea)
Cibin (Sibiu)
Effluents of Olt mid-stream (Brasov and Covasna), Olt head stream and effluents (Harghita)
Arges head stream and effluents (Arges and Dambovita)
Ialomita head stream and effluents (Dambovita and Prahova)
Buzau head stream and effluents (Brasov, Covasna and Buzau), Rm. Sarat (Buzau and Vrancea)
Putna head stream (Vrancea)
Trotus head stream and effluents (Bacau)
Bistrita head stream and effluents (Neamt and Suceava)
Moldova and Suceava head streams and effluents (Suceava)
Jijia head stream and effluents (Botosani) and Baseu (Botosani). Hydrologists issued a yellow code warning for eight counties from the North, Central and Western regions from Romania. The warning refers to the condition of several rivers between Tuesday 5 PM and Wednesday 4 PM.
In these areas, there can be significant water trickling on the slopes. Torrents, streams and rivers coul