The environment documents said nothing about the way Five Holding company grabbed the grass plot.
The attacks of Radu Mazăre's group against Elena Udrea are just not ceasing. And this after a which in which they wanted us to believe that they made peace to the woman considered one of the most important characters within PD-L [Democratic Liberal Party] and also with the presidential staff of Traian Băsescu. Nevertheless, the mayor's people, led by the mayor's brother, Senator Alexandru Mazăre, started to attack the leader of the Ministry of Tourism.
The substratum of the problem seems to have nothing in common, as the parliamentarian declared, with VAT reduction in tourism, zero tax for reinvested profit and financing solutions for helping tourism. Actually, the most complex problem of the local public administration and its henchmen seems to be the fact that Elena Udrea recalled that there is a Governmental Ordinance no 21/1996 and a Governmental Emergency Ordinance no 58/1998, stating the obligation of local public authorities of the touristic resorts to get the approval of the Ministry of Tourism for the urbanism documentation and for building authorizations. In other words, those wishing to build a little villa or a tiny hotel in Mamaia will have to get the approval of Mazăre's municipality and also of the Ministry of Tourism.
The trend of concrete yachts
More, the plan forbids building very high hotels, which is quite annoying for a mayor who would have everything to attract investors in the resort he is taking good care of, especially when it comes to the grass spots which had their designations changed or to retroceded lands - DNA [National Directorate for Anticorruption] knows how. In any case, to find out what is the matter with these high hotels, we tried to see which are the projects stricken by these new urbanism regulations.