Dionisie Culeţu, Cristina Brânzoi, George Vişan and Florian Constantin might lose their mandates as county or municipal elected councilpersons.
Issuing and applying the provisions of Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 37/2009 brought joy among the PSD and PD-L friends and caused problems to those being promoted.
According to article III, paragraph (9) of Governmental Emergency Ordinance 37/2009, "during carrying out management contracts, the persons having the positions stipulated by paragraph (3) (referring to the managing directors and executive managing directors of decentralised institutions) are applied the provisions of articles 70, 71, 79, 94 - 98 and 111 - 114 from book I, title IV, Law no. 161.2003 (...)". A scan of this law, especially on the articles mentioned before, revealed the fact that three democrat - liberal county councilpersons and one social-democrat municipal councilman are incompatible, once they have been promoted as managing directors or executive managing directors of several decentralised public institutions from the sea coast. So, art. 94 of Law 161/2003 confirms, among other things, that we are confronting with an incompatibility in the case in which these new managers hold positions, regardless of the fact that they are paid or not, "within public authorities and institutions".
Holding more than one position
The rush of the lawmakers in elaborating the Governmental Emergency Ordinance 37/2009 inevitably led to omissions which, except rapidly remediated, may bring along important sanctions to many of the beneficiaries of this ordinance. On the level of Constanţa county, we are dealing with four incompatibilities. Cristina Brânzoi - managing director of County Youth Direction, Florian Constantin - managing director of ITM [Work Territorial Inspectorate], Dionisie Culeţu - executive managing director