For a day, the Romanian Justice ceased existing. Elsewhere in the news, Banks in Romania show interest in lending again. Last but not least, ex-pitmen leader Miron Cozma announced his intention to run for Romania's presidency, despite the fact that he Court of Justice forbid him to elect or to run for elections until 2014.
For a day, the Romanian Justice ceased existing, Evenimentul Zilei reads. Romanian magistrates cancelled in the court the Finance Ministry’s ordinance reducing their income benefits. Not only did the magistrates breach the law regarding work conflicts by starting protesting at a national level, but their actions also contradicted the Romanian Constitution, according to Justice Ministry officials. Hundreds of trials have been cancelled yesterday in the entire country.
Justice officials and magistrates will ask for incumbent Romanian President Traian Basescu to mediate discussion between the involved parties, government and parliament, to solve the Justice crisis. Benefits worth of 80% of their incomes have been recently axed by the Public Finance Ministry (MFP), just like it has been done with incomes from other sectors.
Bucharest Appeal Court has cancelled the MFP ordinance yesterday. PM Emil Boc reminded the magistrates that "nobody is above the law". Romanian magistrates protested yesterday, between 9 AM and 12 PM. The only two counties where the protests didn't take place were Timisoara and Arad (West). Further protests are to be expected from the courts’ staff.
Banks in Romania show interest in lending again, Cotidianul informs. The banks decided for a serious interest cut, followed by CreditExpo in September, the first credit fair organised in Romania. These are the first signs that banks are considering lending again. Over ten banks plus leasing companies and credit brokers will take part in the