The government approved the memorandum on Nabucco, one newspaper reads on Monday. Elsewhere in the news, as a result of the governmental anti-crisis measures, some 150,000 companies were shut down pushing more people onto the black market. Last but not least, Romania's medical system is lead by an elite with its own economic interests. Also about small group interests, one newspaper talks about how private university Spiru Haret became so popular.
Cotidianul reads on Monday about Romania's decision to sign the memorandum on Nabucco in Ankarra. PM Emil Boc will sign today the intergovernmental act on Nabucco on behalf of Romania according to the governmental decision.
Gandul reads that the government's anticrisis measures have a clear result by now: some 150,000 companies were shut down due to the crisis and more and more Romanias were pushed towards the black market.
The paper reads that in the first five moments of the year, 50,000 companies were shut down and 17,0000 were deleted. The number of victims increased to 150,000 in late June. More than 80,000 companies preferred to suspend their activity for one or two years.
Others preferred to give it another shot through personal authorizations, which are exempted from taxes. In the first six months of 2009 some 30,000 new personal authorizations were issued.
The newspaper reads that losses could be even higher as people are more and more tempted to work on the black market and avoid taxes. Therefore, the state loses some 500 lei for each person working without papers.
Romania libera reads about an elite controlling Romania's medical system in their own interests. The newspaper reads that their decisions affect important decisions in the system, like the list of compensated pills or tenders for national health programs.
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