Anyone who has information or knowledge about the committing of such acts can notice them by telephoning directly to the Ministry of Environment, at the number 0800.800.300.
„It is a campaign which we launch here at Tulcea because we must use all the resources we have so that poaching will stop being the Danube Delta's short coming. This service founded near the Ministry of Environment is already functional and will help hopefully, to a certain extent, to control this phenomenon. The Danube Delta chapter must be opened with all the responsability and all the competence we dispose. We have many problems, but the main ones are addresed to poaching, renaturing and the administration of offals. Unfortunately, at the axis of renaturing, the European funds have not been used properly. But beside all these, the Romanian Ministry of Environment is among the first from Central-Est part which has accessed the European funds in a proportion of 39 per cent" declared today Nemirschi.
The green telephone is meant to notice the poaching acts from the Danube Delta. Anyone who has information or knowledge about the committing of such actions can inform, by telephone, directly to the Ministry of Environment at the number 0800.800.300. This holds the line between the 6 institutions who deal with prevention and tracing out the acts of poaching.
Anyone who has information or knowledge about the committing of such acts can notice them by telephoning directly to the Ministry of Environment, at the number 0800.800.300.
„It is a campaign which we launch here at Tulcea because we must use all the resources we have so that poaching will stop being the Danube Delta's short coming. This service founded near the Ministry of Environment is already functional and will help hopefully, to a certain extent, to control this phenomenon. The Danube Delta chapter must be open