Most newspapers on Monday read about how politicians use any occasion to increase their electoral capital for the upcoming presidential elections. Elsewhere in the news, another lavish expense in times of crisis makes it to the front page: Bucharest's district 6 city hall plans to spend 47 million euro for grass and plants. Last but not least, a Romanian became famous in Kansas, US after saving two women and two girls.
As presidential elections loom, politicians take advantage of any opportunity, be it religious or not, to increase their electoral capital. Romania libera reads that for Saint Mary celebrations politicians flee Bucharest, to score some image points in the country.
Tens of people across the country attended the ceremony organized at the old Nicula monastery, in Cluj, central Romania. Currently, the monastery is used by the Romanian Orthodox church. As usual, politicians took advantage of the event and on Saturday morning the religious ceremony took an electoral campaign look.
PM Emil Boc and Social Democratic Party leader Mircea Geoana were present at Nicula. The two were accompanied by a cohort of other politicians brought from various cities. President Basescu did not miss the opportunity either and attended the ceremony at Tismana Monastery, in Gorj.
Yesterday, Basescu also attended the religious ceremony at Prislop Monastery, in Maramures, North Romania. Thousands of people attended the ceremonies, across the country.
Gandul reveals the plans of Bucharest's district 6 city hall to spend some 47 million euro for grass and plans, in an attempt to celebrate the Patriarch. 20 million euro was already allocated from the budget and another 27 million euro come from EU funds targeted to embellish the urban settings.
District 6 mayor's counselor, Mihai Anghel declared for the newspaper