Facebook development in Romania is more spectacular than the global data this social network recorded, according to an analysis HotNews.ro received from Httpol Romania. The increase of the platform is 3,000% in one year, according to Httpool country manager Bianca Vlaston.
Vlaston shows in the analysis that the number of active accounts Romanian citizens created on Facebook increased from 8,000 in June 2008, to almost 260,000 today. According to her, 80% of the Romanian Facebook users are aged between 18 and 34, while 56% are women.
Httpool Romania, an interactive marketing agency set up in 2008 and part of Httpool Group, sells engagements ads on Facebook.
According to Httpool Romania analysis, deputy managing director Laurentiu Pop says Romanian advertisers do not fully exploit the opportunities of the social network. He says the advertising campaign Httpool Romania ran for Romanian users, like the ones for Praktiker, Coca-cola, Heineken, Procter&Gamble, went very well, with a click rate over the mean Romanian websites. One recent campaign for a renowned company with a Facebook profile attracted incredible responds, he says. Facebook development in Romania is more spectacular than the global data this social network recorded, according to an analysis HotNews.ro received from Httpol Romania. The increase of the platform is 3,000% in one year, according to Httpool country manager Bianca Vlaston.
Vlaston shows in the analysis that the number of active accounts Romanian citizens created on Facebook increased from 8,000 in June 2008, to almost 260,000 today. According to her, 80% of the Romanian Facebook users are aged between 18 and 34, while 56% are women.
Httpool Romania, an interactive marketing agency set up in 2008 and part of Httpool Group, sells engagements ads on Facebook.
According to Httpool