The Romanian president's brother is holding shares in a company producing military techniques. Elsewhere in the news, local taxes and fines are to increase by 20%. Last but not least, Romanian doctors complain that the European work schedule which the Health minister plans to enforce will prevent them from working in the private sector.
The Romanian president's brother, Mircea Basescu, is associated, next to leaders from the defence industry, in a company for military techniques, Evenimentul Zilei reads. According to the publication, Traian Basescu's brother holds 30% of Defence Security and Intelligence Co. shares. His business partners are Ion Eftimie Sandu (5%) - ex-staff of Romania's Arms Department from Defence Ministry, and Maria Cazacu (5%) - daughter of
the Defence Agency chief within the Economy Minister.
Despite the National Trade Register Office data, Mircea Basescu denied any involvement for Romanian TV channel Antena 3 reporters. But Cazacu admits to plans of modernising the frigates, saying the president's brother is the way into Cotroceni. However, Mr. Cazacu stated that the company hasn't signed any contract yet and its current single activity is to organise exhibitions and talks.
Cazacu wants his daughter out because two shareholders intend to allegedly take the company into a direction he doesn’t agree with. He believes that the president's brother, who has been an associate since July 22, will leave the business, but believes that "one cannot do arm trade without the country's elites".
Local taxes and fines are to become 20% more expensive in 2010, Romania Libera informs. They haven't been updated since 2006 and now they’re meant to catch up with the inflation rate from the last three years to bring more money at the local council's budget. Although both authorities and association representativ