The female version of Mick Jagger - so was Madonna in her first concert in Romania on Wednesday night. Throughout the two hours of her gig in Izvor Park downtown Bucharest, with the Palace of Parliament in the background, she played guitar, kissed her arms, jumped around, kissed a famale dancer, sang in Spanish, translated Gypsy words and talked against discrimination.
Excentricity throughout: from her very first song, Candy Shop, to a fake Michael Jackson dancing in the memory of The King of Pop, to changing a guitar into a sexual object, nothing was strange, but seemed so to Human Nature.
The Sticky And Sweet tour gig in Bucharest saw the stage turn into a box ring on Die Another Day or hosting Rroma singers to accompany the star. All in such a manner that some in the audience would not refrain to commenting that the concert "smelled of playback".
"Hello, Romania, haven't been here before. I'm very happy to be here. I love you too! Does anybody know what Lela Pala Tute means? Yes, it's Romani, for The Madness Of Love. Because what other kind of love is there, but mad love? Right?" she uttered before You Must Love Me.
And continued: "Now, I've been paying attention to news reports and it's been brought to my attention that there's a lot of discrimination against Romanis and Gypsies in general in Eastern Europe. And I feel very sad, because I don't believe in discrimination against anyone. We believe in freedom and equal rights for everyone. Gipsies, homosexuals, people who are different, everyone is equal and should be trated with respect, ok? Let's not forget that!"
Later on, a remix version of Frozen comes as a homage moment of the night and a quote from Michael Jackson would be presented to the public: "If you wanna make the world a better place/ Take a look at yourself and then make a change".