According to a new GfK survey, around 6% of Romanian consumers said they would be interested in buying a new car, compared to 9% a year earlier.
The majority of Romanian drivers said they preferred buying cars in cash or by taking an auto loan. The respondents said price, greater fuel efficiency and brand would be the most important when picking their car.
For respondents aged 30 and below with higher levels of education the probability of buying a car increases significantly.
Only 37% of Romanian residents own a personal car, more frequently in Bucharest and urban areas. Consumers’ brand preferences are Volkswagen, Logan and Opel with 60% followed by high-end brands Audi and BMW.
Half of Romanian residents said they own Dacia cars (13% Logan and 40% other models), followed by Volkswagen and Opel.
Around 55% of the surveyed (especially residents of Ardeal and Banat, Crisana, Maramures) said they would be willing to buy a second-hand car.
According to the survey’s findings, 6pc more Romanian buyers prefer to buy a car in cash, especially the inhabitants of the rural areas.
Auto loans are the least popular option to pay for a car. 36% of the surveyed said price was the most important when picking a car, while 24% cited the benefits of fuel-efficient cars and 18% said the brand was the most important. The type of fuel, model and repair facilities are the least important criteria.
MotoBus is a study that tracks the evolution of the Romanian car park on a monthly basis and measures the probability of buying a car, buying criteria, car brands owned and desired, means of payment and the demographic profile of car owners. Around 2,000 Romanian residents were surveyed each month from July 2008 to July 2009.