The Head of the Muslim Community in Romania, Mufti Muurat Iusuf states
in this interview the way in which the author of ''Satanic Verses" will be greeted in Romania. Salman Rushdie will be present in Romania at the end of November. His volume, translated into Romanian in 2007, presents a controversial theory of some ''satanic" interpolations in the text of the Quran
How does the arrival of Salman Rushdie affect the Muslims in Romania?
First of all, I would like to explain a very important thing: Not only all the members of the Muslim community, but also all Romanian citizens should understand the following aspect: our country is a democratic state and the circulation is free on its territory. Thus, no one's right of coming to Romania can be restricted. It is a democratic state, and Rushdie's arrival does not break certain international rights. That book indeed contravenes our religious principles, but we cannot keep him from coming to Romania and we should not have a negative attitude towards his arrival. Starting from this principle, Rushdie can come and meet his readers any time. We do not have to get out in the streets because Salman Rushdie has come. Of course, we should express our point of view, because what he says is a deformation of the Islamic religion, a deformation of our religion, even though he was also Muslim, but now each and everyone of us give an account in front of God, according to what we do. I bring criticism and I pray to God to guide him on the right track. But I already see that Salman Rushdie is on a wrong track.
Have you read ''Satanic Verses"?
I read this book when I was a student, so I know the subject of this volume. Not only did I read ''Satanic Verses", but also other books of Rushdie, because I am a person who wishes to get to know the people who bring criticism to my religion as well. Of course, Ru