The last survey regarding the Romanians’ preferences for the football teams demonstrates the obvious supremacy of the team from Ghencea
The Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy realized in the between 22-24 September is a survey made with Romanians. What was the theme? The Romanian football and the society. Among the many questions addressed to the 1.935 persons questioned which represented the chosen test sample l ales, some of them referred to the Romanians preferences with respect to the favourite team, but also to the best coach, the best player and the best referee all-time.
With respect to the favourite team, Steaua is on the top, with almost half of the options, to a big distance of the 2nd place, occupied by Dinamo. In fact, Steaua has the same number of sympathizers as all the 5 teams (which are behind it in this classification) have together.
Becali candidates
The sponsor of Steaua, Gigi Becali, announced yesterday his candidature to the Romanian presidency. He compiled 270.000 signatures, and the slogan he will have in the electioneering will be "Faith, hope and love". "Maybe I won’t win the elections this year, but I hope to the 3rd place. With a pain in my heart I say this: Romania is a country where the barbarism is a common thing", said Becali.
The last survey regarding the Romanians’ preferences for the football teams demonstrates the obvious supremacy of the team from Ghencea
The Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy realized in the between 22-24 September is a survey made with Romanians. What was the theme? The Romanian football and the society. Among the many questions addressed to the 1.935 persons questioned which represented the chosen test sample l ales, some of them referred to the Romanians preferences with respect to the favourite team, but