For the second year in a row, Capital magazine (Ringier) and Forbes (Adevarul Holding) have released their annual listings of the richest Romanians. However, the two rankings differ markedly.
If Forbes Romania 500 lists Dinu Patriciu as the wealthiest Romanian, with a fortune estimated at €2.2 bln, Capital places Ion Tiriac with €1.8-2 bln as the country’s richest person and owner of Adevarul Holding on second, but with a balance sheet of €1.5-1.6 bln.
According to Capital, Camelia and Corina Voiculescu take the third spot with a collective net worth of €1.5-1.6 bln .
Sorin Ovidiu Vantu is ranked fourth with a fortune estimated at €1.2-1.25 bln, followed by Adamescu on fifth with a net worth of €1.1bln.
Ioan Niculae, owner of Interagro, who was listed as second richest person by Forbes Romania 500 is down on sixth in the league table compiled by Capital, with a net worth of €1.1-1.15 bln.
Paunescu with €900-500 mln take up the seventh spot while Cristescu brothers with €820-850mln are on eight. According to Forbes, the collective net worth of Emil and Marius Cristescu is around €600 mln.
Rounding up the top ten of Capital 300, Gabriel Valentin Comanescu is on ninth with €700-750 mln, while Viorel and Ioan Nicula –with €700-750 mln – take up tenth position.
The collective net worth of the Capital 300 hover near €36 bln, the equivalent of 27% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product. Fortunes fell in case of 15 members, increased in 79 and remained at the same level in 159.
This, year, the net worth of the least rich member of Capital 300 increased to €20-24 mln, from €13.5-14.5 mln in 2007.
RankCapital 300Forbes 5001.Ion Tiriac - €1.8-2 blnDinu Patriciu - €2.2 bln2.Dinu Patriciu - €1.5-1.6 blnIoan Niculae - €1.2 bln3.Camelia and Corina Voiculescu - €1.5-1.6blnIon Tiriac - €850-900mln4.Sorin Ovidiu Vantu - €1.2-1.25blnG