The Senate of Ovidius University of Constantza awards Doctor Honoris Causa Title to University Professor Metin Arik from Bogazici University of Istanbul, based on the nominee made by the Faculty of Physics, Chemistry and Petroleum Technology.
The ceremony takes place on Friday, October 23, 2009, at 12:00, in the Senate Hall of Ovidius University (Campus I), no. 1 University Alley.
Professor Metin Merik, worldwide known personality in Physics, was president of Balkan Physical Union between 2006-2009 and president of Turkish Physical Society between 1996-2000.
For his entire scientific work he was distinguished with many important prizes including Prize for Excellence in Research, awarded by Bogazici University of Istanbul in 1999, Prize Sedat Simavi for Science in 1989, Prize of the Council for Scientific Research and Technique from Turkey in 1984 and so on.
Till now, Professor's Metin Arik activity materialized in an impressive list of 100 scientific works, published in very important well known magazines.
His contribution in developing scientific relationship in Physics between Bogazici University of Istanbul and Ovidius University of Constantza is extremely important, making himself conspicuous with a constant encouragement of co-operation in Physics between Balkan countries.
According to the leadership of the faculty it is a great honor to award Doctor Honoris Causa to a professor and scientific explorer worldwide known, as Professor Metin Arik: "this represents an outstanding event in scientific activity of Faculty of Physics, Chemistry and Petroleum Technology and of Ovidius University".
The Senate of Ovidius University of Constantza awards Doctor Honoris Causa Title to University Professor Metin Arik from Bogazici University of Istanbul, based on the nominee made by the Faculty of Physics, Chemistry and Petroleum