Romania's Presidential Administration spent in the last three years (out of the total of 5) of Basescu's mandate one billion and a half of euro to produce decorations and medals. Elsewhere in the news, all newspapers are watching the electoral campaign: candidates marked 4269 km in the first three days of the campaign. On an interesting note, a five year old Romania is the strongest kid in the world.
Cotidianul reads about over 5,000 decorated Romanians through Presidential decree issued by Basescu in his five years of mandate. Some of 5,000 decorations were worth in three years over 1 billion and a half euro, official data reveals.
The sum covers only the mere production of medals, orders and decorations. Another 15,000 euro were spent to type the diplomas. Some people have undeniable achievements and the chief of state took advantage of their status.
Others had political achievements: Basescu awarded his spokesperson, Valeriu Turcan for his professionalism and for his devotion during the NATO Summit in Bucharest. District 2 mayor Neculai Ontanu was awarded for his devotion in 2007 when he was a leader in the Social Democratic Party.
Elsewhere in the news, most newspapers eye the electoral campaign, which officially kicked off on Friday. Over the weekend, Gandul reads that candidates marked 4269km across the country in just three days.
As political scandals decreased in intensity at televisions and radios, politicians did not miss the change to exchange declarations through cities and villages. Gandul puts forward a summary of those candidates who swore more their counter candidates.
After attacking his counter candidates, incumbent President Basescu maintained the same attitude towards his close colleagues. In the first day, the electoral campaign marked 20 incidents investigated by the police