The government formed by prime minister designate Lucian Croitoru failed to receive the votes from the Parliament yesterday, with 250 negative votes against 189. Traian Basescu is due to nominate another prime minister, maybe one from the political branch, or could extend the interimship of Boc cabinet.
Lucian Croitoru’s statements before the plenary session of the Parliament surprised the members. He presented his government plan and confined attention to the tough economic conditions in Romania. Croitoru and the cabinet came before the parliament to win the political backing from the parties.
“Romania has secured important financial aid agreements with International Monetary Fund and World Bank, and these are put at risk by the political crisis. We need around €3.5 billion by the end of the year, meaning for less than two months. Putting off the implementation of these reforms would only heighten Romania’s financing needs to €5 billion, should the European Union and International Monetary Fund refuse to release the aid. In our opinion, a growing political instability would cost the country another €1.5 billion”, Croitoru said before the Parliament.
The members of the opposition (PSD, PNL and UDMR) took a dig at the prime minister designate and the proposed cabinet for appearing before the two chambers and asking the vote of investiture. The political parties stressed they would continue backing the mayor of Sibiu, Klaus Johannis for the government leadership.
The voting session began after three hours of talks, interruptions and heated debate and lasted for a half an hour. In the end, the cabinet formed by prime minister designate Lucian Croitoru failed to obtain the vote of investiture, with 250-189 against.
Follow-up statements of Lucian Croitoru
“I have nothing to blame myself for, I take every task very seriously and I fulfi