The vaccination campaign against swine flu started in Romania, not without problems. Further on the subject, Danish journalists say swine flu pandemic might prove to be one of the most grandiose contemporary corruption cases. Further on health in Romania, independent pharmacies risk closing down. Elsewhere in the news, prices for old apartments in Bucharest dropped 30%. Last but not least, Romanian play-writer Eugen Ionesco is celebrated through plays and events in New York, Paris and Tehran.
The vaccination campaign against swine flu started on Wednesday, November 25 2009, in Romania, Adevarul reads. The first 250,000 doses were distributed in Bucharest and in counties from Moldova (East Romania). Medical staff, soldiers and students over 16 are the first to receive the jab, but the vaccine is not compulsory. The jab is delivered by frigorific trucks, under military guard.
Different medical staff claim that the vaccine is "safe". Some doctors in Iasi (North-East) say they have not been informed on the vaccination procedures. The anti swine flu jab distributed in Romnia is being produced locally by a Romanian authority. According to the publication, 172,000 jabs produced by GlaxoSmithKline had to be redrawn from medical institutions in Canada, after producing serious rashes and reactions affecting heart and lungs.
Gandulreads only patients in an aggravated state will be tested for swine flu with Matei Bals Institute in Bucharest. Reporters were present at a scene where a nurse told the waiting patients: "We cannot test the entire Romania", while sending them either to Victor Babes hospital or home, despite the patients feeling feeble. Gandul recons that only after a patient dies will it be established whether it was swine flu or another respiratory disease that caused the death.
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