UPDATE 2 indicated a 0.72% advantage in favour of the lib-dem presidential candidate Traian Basescu. According to the liberal-democrats, Basescu leads by 50.36% against Mircea Geoana - 49.64%, after a PDL count of the votes cast in 74.35% of the sections, PD-L vice-president Adriean Videanu declared.
According to the PD-L parallel count, this means that Traian Basescu raised 3,969,406 votes, while Geoana was voted by 3,913,100 people.
The count doesn't include the votes from the Romanian Diaspora, where the lib-dems expect a 70-30 % result in favour of Basescu, Videanu added, stating that the party does have a "performing" system of evaluation.
UPDATE PD-L's parallel count indicates an advantage for Traian Basescu: after counting the results in 40% of the voting sections, the liberal-democrats are said to lead by 50.7%, against Mircea Geoana's 49.3%.
The first count announced by lib-dem vice-president Adriean Videanu after considering votes from almost 22% voting sections, indicating Traian Basescu had 50.2%, against Mircea Geoana's 49.8%.
PD-L hasn't got yet data from section in Dambovita, Covasna, Ilfov, Timis, Bucharest Sector 1 and Sector 6 and the Diaspora.
Viorel Hrebenciuc considers that PD-L could not run the count so fast, "however sophisticated" the party apparatus might be.
In his opinion, this is a measure to confuse the electorate. The social-democratic leader claims that the parallel PSD count confirms the exit-polls' results. UPDATE 2 indicated a 0.72% advantage in favour of the lib-dem presidential candidate Traian Basescu. According to the liberal-democrats, Basescu leads by 50.36% against Mircea Geoana - 49.64%, after a PDL count of the votes cast in 74.35% of the sections, PD-L vice-president Adriean Videanu declared.
According to the PD-L parallel coun