The Romanian social-democratic party considers it necessary for an Investigative parliamentary commission to analyse the December 6 vote fraud, the PSD general secretary Liviu Dragnea declared on Monday before the Permanent PSD Office meeting, according to Romanian press agency NewsIn.
"I believe that the first and foremost aspect should be how to start the Investigative parliamentary commission to assess the December 6 elections' fraud. We will talk about the elections and I believe it will be very important to decide how to protect our people in the territory, who face threats - mayors, vice-mayors, local councillors and even mere members", Liviu Dragnea said.
Asked whether a parliamentary commission can investigate a presidential election round at the polls, Dragnea replied: "The Parliament can investigate anything in Romania".
Liviu Dragnea also claims that the social-democrats in the territory would be threatened and asked to leave PSD. "There isn't one mayor that isn't threatened, tthat isn't told to leave PSD, threatened he would not receive money, but controls instead. Most of the mayors have already been visited last week by state institutions to verify environment issues and other stuff".
The possibility of setting up an Investigative commission to analyse the election fraud was suggested on Sunday evening by PSD leader Mircea Geoana during a TV show. The Romanian social-democratic party considers it necessary for an Investigative parliamentary commission to analyse the December 6 vote fraud, the PSD general secretary Liviu Dragnea declared on Monday before the Permanent PSD Office meeting, according to Romanian press agency NewsIn.
"I believe that the first and foremost aspect should be how to start the Investigative parliamentary commission to assess the December 6 elections' fraud. We will talk about the elections and